Magical Shores

September 15, 2021
Magical Shores
Photo Credit: Sentosa

A multi-sensory experience that transforms Siloso Beach into an interactive light and sound spectacle.⁠

Whirl around and see striking visual effects change on sand instantly, or catch nature's enchanting song and dance that illuminates the island's greenery after dark.⁠

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Photo Credit: Sentosa
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Sentosa - Siloso Beach

Opening Hours

Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, eve of public holidays, and public holidays

Session 1: 7:30pm to 8:45pm

Session 2: 9pm to 10:15pm


Free Admission

Sessions are available for booking 5 days in advance, at 0000h of each day (eg bookings for 15 January opens on 10 January, 0000hr).


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